Tool Kit: Telephone Interview for Fisheries Jobs

Here are some tips to help you get into the "ring" of things.

14393-illustration-of-a-telephone-pvYou have enough to do without needing to be worried about a phone interview—but you are going to worry.

  • Before you call….stretch your arms above your head and shake your fists as if you’ve just won a game.  Feel the confidence until it stays with you.  Then dial.
  • Smile.  Be in a great mood when you dial.  Make sure the person on the other end of the line is hearing a happy person.  Everyone wants to work with folks who don’t have issues.  Show—ummm—sound your best face.
  • Do Your Homework.  The night before, read up on the job once more.  Read all the keywords.  The keywords in the ads are there for a reason.  Memorize them.  Make sure you


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